Hey, everybody! Welcome to Episode 26 of CannaBlogger’s Corner. This week’s episode is going to be a little different. I’ve planned a season finale of sorts to celebrate my first half-year of producing and hosting this podcast. First, I’d like to start with a review of CRU Cannabis’s GMO Cookies, which is already one of my favorite strains. The folks at CRU really knocked it out of the park, and I’ll tell you why in a bit.

After I do that, I’d like to indulge in a moment of gratitude, if you’ll allow me. I’ve come so much further in these first 6 months than I ever thought I would, and I thought I’d take a minute to shout out some people who helped me get this far.

There are some who have been particularly helpful and inspirational to me, and I’d like to mention them, if I may. First, I want to thank Chris Cantore for all his invaluable advice and direction. I never would have been able to start the way I did without his help and guidance. I’m proud to be part of his YEW! Podcast Network.

Speaking of, another member of the YEW! Podcast Network whose advice helped me was Jackie Bryant. I’ve admired her written work for a long time, and to be in the same podcast network is, well, humbling. She’s broken some great stories lately and evolved her own Cannabitch podcast. Go check out her work.

For some reason, Yani Amaya thinks CannaBlogger’s Corner is worth something, so she decided to become my very first sponsor. I will always appreciate the amount of faith and encouragement she’s shown me. She’s investing time and money in me; I really hope I don’t let her down.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has been on the show, from Laura and her Canna Mom Gang in Episode 1 to Bryan Buckley and HVGC this past week in Episode 25 and everyone in between. Of course, thank you for listening and tagging along with me.

Remember all those season finale cliffhangers we grew up with? How they ended the season finale right in the middle of something to make sure you tuned in for the next season? Crazy, huh? Well, until next week, and next season, stay…


CannaBlogger’s Corner is sponsored by Better Homes with Cannabis. Yani Amaya, the Hazey Lioness, has taken her cannabis photography to another level by using it in a stylish home décor design that would look fabulous in any home. This isn’t a Marley poster in your dorm room; Better Homes with Cannabis is tasteful home décor with a cannabis theme.


Huge thanks to Chris Cantore and the YEW! Podcast Network! Check out the rest of the YEW! podcast fam at https://www.yewonline.com/.