When Charles Sewell was in his early 20's he kept getting sick and never could get fully well.  His brother, a medical student at the time, ran some tests and the results that came back were devastating.  Charles was HIV positive.   A sobbing Charles was escorted by his brother to an MD who specialized in working with HIV patients.  Charles was soon prescribed a hand full of pharmaceuticals - up to 8 pills 3 times per day.  His illness made him nauseated, and the prescriptions only made it worst.  Charles' 6 foot 1 inch frame soon withered down to 145 pounds because he wasn't able to eat and keep anything down.  After a year of wasting away and suffering from severe depression, Charles's friends convinced him to try cannabis.  Hoping for at least some relief from his miserable existence, Charles was shocked to discover that he was able to eat without vomiting after consuming just small amounts of cannabis.  He began consuming cannabis daily and his health - both physical and emotional - rebounded. 

Now 20 years later Charles continues to microdose with cannabis, and as a result he has been able to regain his life and his health.  He went to college and finished his degree, married his wonderful wife, and is able to hold down a full time job only missing occasionally due to illness.  His weight is back up to 180 pounds, and he and his doctor spend most of their visits happily chatting about life.  All of this thanks to a plant called cannabis.  Listen in today to hear Charles' amazing story.  You won't regret it! \

Relevant Links:

Marijuana may help HIV patients keep mental stamina longer

Medical Marijuana and HIV/AIDS

Cannabis and HIV/AIDS

Texans for Safe Access - Facebook

Episodes Mentioned:

Ep. 24 - Taylor Woods - Cannabis Engineer

Today's Sponsor is The Grow CFO.