Sarah Morris first remembers blacking out when she was 5 years old, but she wasn't diagnosed with dysautonomia until almost 25 years later.  Dysautonomia is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.  You know that system of the body that handles trivial things like  circulation, temperature regulation, digestion, etc.  And Sarah has had difficulty in all these areas.  She can get hypothermia in the middle of the summer in Georgia.  She has a Groshong line inserted into her vein to allow for easier access when she needs iv fluids, and she also has a lot of trouble with digestion.  Her body lives in a fight or flight state.  But cannabis helps ease her nausea and allows her to eat and gets her parasympathetic system to kick in so her adrenals are not in overdrive.   Cannabis allows her to be herself in spite of her many health issues.

Full show notes can be found at

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