Ted Metz went to see a dermatologist for what he thought was a rash.  Turns out it was a very aggressive squamous cell carcinoma.  Within a couple of months the small place behind his ear grew to the size of a peach.  After his diagnosis Ted started a routine of concentrated cannabis oil (Rick Simpson oil) while awaiting surgery.  The day before his surgery a large chunk of the tumor fell out.  Ted's surgery lasted about half the projected time, and the surgeons were able to easily find the edges of the tumor because it had started to die.  His RSO routine had definitely been working.

Ted continued to medicate with cannabis post-surgery and during radiation which was excruciating.  His prognosis is good, and he's continuing to be an outspoken advocate for the plant.

Full show notes can be found at www.cannabishealsme.com/101

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