Welcome to episode three of the Cannabis Business Made Easy Podcast. I’m your host Brandie Bee ~ Founder of the cannabis leadership accelerator Sativa Science Club and creator of the #ElevatedAdvocate movement on IG. 

I’m here to help you increase your credibility, grow your influence, and make your impact in the cannabis industry.  

In today’s episode, I have a question for you. What are you really selling? 

I’m going to come right out with you and be straight. People usually join my cannabis leadership accelerator because they want to fast track their cannabis science knowledge so they can sell more of XYZ. But I got news for you, no matter how knowledgeable or enthusiastic you are, people don’t honestly care about your product or service. Not at face value, at least.

And I think you secretly already knew this because we’ve all been there. You’re on a roll describing the fabulous features of your product. You feel like your on FIRE. How could anyone deny the awesomeness of what you’re serving? But then you look over at your prospects whos eyes just sort of glaze over about 30 seconds into your speech.

You understand what makes your product remarkable, and you want to share it with others. The mistake is that most business owners assume their prospects will inherently know why they should buy your product after hearing what your product can do.

And you’re partway there! But what you should be asking yourself is what can it do for them. What are the advantages?

Will your product resolve their pain points in some way? Can you make their life easier? If you’re struggling to answer these questions at all, you’re too focused on your product features ~ when your prospects only want results.

A little quote I like to keep in mind is Features tell and benefits sell. Features are what your product is or does-- The description and specs. Benefits are why your customers need it-- What results will they see? 

You might be thinking, “yes B, that is Marketing 101 really”. But, plenty of marketing plans will tell a different story. So many entrepreneurs are looking to add credibility to their sales pitch but forget to define the customer benefit.  

At the end of the day, messages about your product specs, company’s history, qualifications, and service offerings are kind