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Table of Contents

00:00 Opening

00:27 Nick Morin Intro

01:56 George’s Origin Story with Ventana Plant Sciences

08:21 How would you categorize your main area of expertise?

12:20 Approaches to different grow styles (row crop, greenhouse, indoor)

18:20 What is unique to cannabis growing?

21:27 The state of cannabis nutrients currently

25:50 Impact of nutrient runoff in communities

30:10 Growers House Pro Desk

31:12 Mitigating environmental concerns

34:20 Problems with some other nutrients on the market 

45:05 DIY nutrient advice

48:10 George’s work with Amino Acids

55:14 Research & Results

59:00 Actionable lessons for growers

01:00:40 Important info for growers

01:08:06 Getting growers comfortable with science

01:12:55 Innovations in plant nutrition

01:24:22 Step by step guide to developing a plant nutrition program

01:32:43 Nutrient spend based on three different models

01:50:10 Best place to find Ventana Plant Science products


Questions from the Interview

1. How did you get interested in plant nutrition?

2. How long have you been working in the agrochemical industry?

3. What are your main areas of expertise?

4. How much of your work is in the cannabis space versus other areas of agriculture?

5. Can you talk about some of the different grow styles you’ve worked in?

6. How are the nutrient concerns similar/different in these different styles?


7. Runoff/pollution concerns?

8. Can you say how much these different styles might impact the local environment?

9. How to mitigate?

10. What kind of problems do you see with existing nutrients?

11. What kinds of mistakes do people make mixing their own nutrients?

12. I’m interested in your work with different amino acids and mineral interaction. Can you explain this for the layman?

13. What kind of metabolic processes are you looking at?

14. What are some interesting results in this type of work?

15. What lessons can growers take from this information?

16. What is the most important thing any grower might need to know/practice with regard to nutritional programs for plants?

17. Are there any novel or innovative nutritional programs specifically affecting the cannabis industry?

18. What other kinds of innovations are we seeing in plant nutrition as a whole?

19. What can you tell us about ammonium-based nutrients?

20. What are the biggest challenges for growers in your experience?

What could they be doing better?

21. What considerations should be made by growers when developing a plant nutrition program?

22.Do you see a lot of problems with nutrient lock-out? How can a grower avoid nutrient lock-out?

23. How would you alleviate their concerns with regard to your work and agricultural science as a whole?

24. Can you take us through, step by step, how a grower should approach developing their own plant nutrition program?

25. I’ve been reading about this phenomenon of growers wanting “white ash” from smoking their flower. Why is that and what does it indicate, if anything?

26. Are there any new projects you’re working on that you’d like to talk about?