Hey Innovators!


This podcast truly started out as a passion project and it’s really one of my favourite things. Everytime I record an episode.. I literally say out loud ‘that I love my job’. I get to learn from smart people. There is a saying that you are who you spend time with. Each episode I definitely become wiser as we get to learn from their insights.  


These guests share lessons learned and best practices. Unleashing areas of unknowns. My friend Paul - will laugh when he hears me say this.

You know what you know You don’t know what you don’t know But now, we know what we don’t know --> this is the most powerful element.


When we know what we don’t know, our blind spot - no longer becomes a blind spot.  This is exactly what these innovators have done. They’ve shown us different perspectives.  


They’ve identified best practices and lessons learned.  Now, we know we need to learn how to implement these into our lives, our business and our careers.  So, we are going to offer masterclasses so that we can all continue to evolve and innovate our own minds.


So, Innovators get ready- you’re going to enjoy this new mixture


We’ll continue to place a spotlight on innovative companies in Canada. We’ll also continue to offer insights on global industry trends. That way, we’ll be more aware of what these industry ‘BUZZ’ words  and what they really mean to. It will give us more foresights on what could potentially disrupt our companies, our businesses and proactively identify shifts in skills and new new opportunities out there.

Plus, we are now going to offer these masterclasses, that zone deeper into particular topics so that we can gain tactical knowledge of how to implement things.  For example, mindset. We’ve got an episode that is coming that talks about how to TACTICALLY change our mindset. In fact, on this episode - Ariel literally changes my mindset in a few areas that I’ve been struggling with.  We do a few different exercises that you can also do, while you’re listening. Since recording this episode a couple of weeks ago, things definitely changed and shifted for me. You’ll see! It’s such a powerful episode. In fact, I’m going to get my nieces to listen to it, so that they no longer see boundaries.  It’s a doozy!!!


I truly believe that education and awareness is instrumental in overcoming any perception challenges in our lives, businesses and even our careers.  It’s a perception game.


Plus, we’ll also have Q&A episodes. Where you get to ask your question and I’ll get some answers!


These four components are going to be a powerful blend - consider it a new cocktail mix for us to evolve our different areas of our lives, our careers and business.

Spotlight on Innovative companies in Canada Stay on top of global industry trends - the potential disruptors Masterclasses where we gain tactical skills Q&As - where we get to learn from each other


Lots of different things coming.  So - Innovators - get ready to be inspired, gain tactical skills so that we can continue to innovate our lives, our businesses and and our careers.   We are just going to keep evolving and having a lot of fun while doing it!


I’ve also got a new tools page, of where I’ve negotiated some pretty cool discounts from our guests. Some of them are affiliate links.  Feel free to use them, this just help us continue to produce content for free. If you use them, THANK YOU! If not, no worries. We just like to provide full transparency and provide additional options.  You can find them under the resources tab - TOOLS

You can also stay in the loop of new things that are going on, with our newsletter.  You can subscribe here. The links is on our home page, about us page and our contact us page!


Drop me a line - I really can’t wait to hear your feedback on the new shifts!  Send me your questions and we’ll get them answered! You can email either myself at [email protected] or Claire at [email protected]


I love this new direction - Cocktail mix. Let the innovation games continue!


Best Always,
