It is mid-January and we’re all missing the festive season just gone by. So, to look back at feasts and the glorious fighting that takes place over them, (in Irish feasts at least) we are releasing a two-part episode of a story known as ‘The Champions Portion’.

The first part of this deals with Bichru of the Bitter tongue, and his attempt to host a feast. This section of the story is also known as ‘Bichru’s Feast’ in Richard Marsh's book 'Irish King and Hero Tales'. As his title suggests he is a troublemaker and prefers to cause strife amongst his friends and kinsmen than enjoy their company modestly. After all, he can take no enjoyment from food, of sex, or even drink… so he has to amuse himself somehow.

After inviting all the heroes of the Craobh Rua (the Red Branch) to his feasting hall, he has a few tricks up his sleeve to ensure this will be a memorable night. He has to be one of our favorite tricksters in Irish Myth, but he might have bitten off more than he can chew in this episode...

Find out more about Richard Marsh and the booke we partially used as a source for this story:

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