Welcome back to the Candlelit Tales podcast.

We have a special episode this week, a collaboration with the wonderful musician Connie Dawson, aka @thestretharpist.

We have always been delighted to collaborate with musicians and artists, and we have known Connie for years from coming to our live shows. She has been bugging us since we met her to send her a version of this story so she could put her magical music to it. And we’re so grateful she did. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did.

The story of, The Dagdas Harp, told by Aron Hegarty with music by Connie Dawson..

This podcast is proudly supported by our Patreon supporters.
If youd like to contribute, you can find us on Patreon.com/candlelittales
Like, subscribe, share if you care, and above all enjoy! We have always been so grateful for any collaborations we have created, performed and worked on with other artists. And since music has always been a backbone to our stories, we decided to take a few people up on their offers to collaborate on a few stories.


In this episode, Aron tells the Dagda’s Harp…

This podcast is proudly sponsored by the people who donate to us each month via
https://www.patreon.com/candlelittales and anyone who sends us a once-off donation through the Paypal button on our website http://candlelittales.ie/

Find details of our upcoming shows here: