Today, Carrie welcomes CEO and Founder of Find Your Anchor (@findyouranchorbox) Ali Borowsky to the show!

Ali tells us about her childhood growing up on the east coast, the struggles of being a "weird" kid, coming out to her family at 16, college in Wisconsin, switching her major from pre-med to graphic design and transferring to art school in California. 

Ali shares the impact rugby has had on her life and how it helped her grow a community, how she made her way back to California for a job in graphic design, and how she got the courage to take her non-profit full time. 

She gives run down on Find Your Anchor and how she uses her past struggles with mental health as a way to relate to and help those struggling with mental health issues and to further the conversation about suicide prevention and awareness.

Carrie and Ali talk about the barriers a lot of people face when it comes to resources and mental health care. Carrie is curious about Ali's personal tips for how she cares for herself, and what her vision is for how Find Your Anchor will evolve to help and serve more people.

To find out more about Find Your Anchor or donate to the cause please go to:
Full show notes can be found at