Previous Episode: S2 Ep7: New

We're back from a break, and talking about humour. Should we be funny in work situations? How do you avoid getting it wrong? What does having a sense of humour even mean?

We all need more levity in our lives. Using humour can be incredibly powerful, but also quite risky. According to 'Humor Seriously' there are four primary humour styles: the Stand-up, the Sweetheart, the Magnet, and the Sniper. We discuss our varying styles and gain some insights into how to wield humour for good whilst avoiding the pitfalls.

We've added a link to the Humor Seriously book and quiz in the list below. Plus we've added links to some things we find amusing to hopefully lighten your day a little!

If you have any feedback, comments or questions you can tweet us @candidcontribs, email [email protected] or join the Umbraco Community slack channel #candid-contributions.

'Normal' Show Links:

* Humor Seriously, by Dr Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas:
* Discover your own humour style:
* Humour is serious business:

'Trying to Brighten Your Day' Show Links:

* Proof that pull request comments can be funny (slightly NSFW):
* And if you want to hear an Icelandic comedian talking about Nordic rivalries check out Ari Eldjarn: