Our guest JJ Flizanes describes herself as an Empowerment Strategist. JJ shares her knowledge through podcasting, writing, speaking and coaching. Through JJ’s extensive career as a personal trainer she’s developed an acute awareness of the messages we receive from the body. One of the many resources JJ has created is The Invisible Fitness Formula, which I’ll link to in the show notes. JJ’s understanding of fitness goes far beyond the state of one’s physical body to incorporate the ‘invisible’ aspects of health. Invisible Fitness means cultivating balanced support structures of energy, nutrition, and emotional centeredness. In today’s episode we talk about intuition’s role in healing.

Join us for the Strengthening Intuition workshop this June, 2022. Keep listening to learn more and visit cancertalks.com/zoom to register. If you have an idea for a workshop or would like to lead one yourself. Please write to us at cancertalks.com/contact.

Listen to JJ's podcast Spirit, Purpose and Energy here.

JJ's Reading List: 

1. Radical Remission by Kelly A. Turner

2. Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

3. Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani

4. Messages from the Body by Michael J. Lincoln

5. Whole Brain Living by Jill Bolte Taylor

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