This is the final episode of 2022! We’ll return in the New Year on January 13th. 

Our guest is Jan Adrian. Many of you know Jan through our Community Workshops on Zoom, or maybe you had the joy of attending a Healing Journeys conference. Jan was our very first podcast guest. And now, more than two years later, we’re continuing the conversation - touching in on how her own cancer journey has evolved and diving deeper into the story of how Healing Journeys came to be, as well as what it might look like to continue Jan’s transformative work. 

As we close out the year, it would mean so much to us if you would take a few minutes to leave a review in your podcast app. If you are wondering how you can support this work, you can make an end-of-year donation, for which we would be very grateful. Visit for more information. CancerTalks is a platform for anyone who has been touched by cancer. Write to us at [email protected] if you have a story to share. See you in the New Year!

Jan's Reading List: 

1. The Cancer Whisperer: Finding Courage, Direction, and the Unlikely Gifts of Cancer by Sophie Sabbage

2. Stones at the Crossing: Aiming True on My Journey from Scared to Sacred by Amy D. Webb

3. The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief by Francis Weller