Our guests this week are Claire Jones and Amaranthia Sepia. Not only are Claire and Amaranthia mother and daughter, they are also sisters and soulmates. The episode follows the story of their life together, supporting each other through disability.

Claire and Amaranthia’s most recent project is called Sista Creatives Rising, a platform for events including their upcoming series "Art & Mind," which showcases creative folk who are underrepresented women and marginalized genders.

Claire & Amaranthia’s Resource List:

"The world is what you make it" | Sadhguru | MotivationArk

Audio book: Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

Audio: 10 Skills That Will Pay Off Forever

Audio: The Positive Affirmation Meditation - Louise Hay

Guided Breathing: Deep Relaxation

Audio: Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

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