The Best Christian Podcast in the Omniverse Canary Cry News Talk #617 - 04.26.2023 - Recorded Live to Tape HOMO DIGITALENSIS | Epstein Effect, DEM Bot vs GOP AI, 3D Printed Vaxx  Deconstructing Corporate Mainstream Media News from a Biblical Worldview We Operate Value 4 Value: http://CanaryCry.Support Join Supply Drop: Submit Articles: http://CanaryCry.Report Join the Tee Shirt Council: Resource: Index of MSM Ownership ( Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm) All the links: http://CanaryCry.Party   This Episode was Produced By: Executive Producers Morgan E**** Kevin M***   Producers Katherine S, Tristan H, Moldy Soldier, Sir Morv Knight of the Burning Chariots, Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol, Isaac G, Jacob B, James M, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Dame Gail Canary Whisperer and Lady of X’s and O’s, Veronica D, Sir Scott Knight of Truth   CanaryCry.ART Submissions Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia JonathanF   Microfiction Runksmash - The pigeon drone emits its distress signal and every robot drops what they’re doing and swarm to Mike. The throng of mechanized monsters press in towards him and it looks bleak; but then he lets out a mighty “Buckaw!” And the heroes hear and respond.   Stephen S - “OH, SHE DID NOT!” echoed through the halls of the Congonda Presidential Palace when Dr Mal Content realized her cousin and high school rival declared herself as the Queen of Revelation 12.  “If she’s the Queen, I’ll be her Dragon!”     CLIP PRODUCER Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Joelms, Laura   TIMESTAPERS Jade Bouncerson, Christine C, Pocojo   SOCIAL MEDIA DOERS Dame MissG of the OV and Deep Rivers   CanaryCry.Report Submissions JAM   REMINDERS Clankoniphius  


HELLO, RUN DOWN EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF Former JPMorgan Banker With Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Leaves Citigroup (MSN/WSJ) Jes Staley says JPMorgan using him as 'shield' for Epstein failures (MSN/Reuters) Deep Fake: The big new photographic evidence against Jeffrey Epstein going viral is actually an AI creation (DailyDot) Meanwhile: ‘Rampant’ sexual abuse epidemic at Florida prison holding Ghislaine Maxwell, report says (Indie UK)   DAY JINGLE/PERSONAL/EXEC. Rumble Stream   FLIPPY The first babies conceived with a sperm-injecting robot have been born (Tech Review)   POLYTICKS/BIDEN The Inside Story of How Biden Cleared the Field for His Re-Election Bid (Time) → Why Biden Can Win in 2024 (NY Times Oped)   AI: First look: RNC slams Biden in AI-generated ad (Axios)   MONEY Russia/Sanctions: Russia Launching Digital Payment System With 'No Restrictions' ( UK: Bank of England economist says people need to accept they are poorer (BBC)    V4V/TREASURE   CYBORG Why Researchers Turned This Goldfish Into a Cyborg (NY Times)   GATES OF THE GODS Computer Security: The symbiosis of your life (CERN)   WACCINE Vaccine printer could help vaccines reach more people (MIT)   SPEAKPIPE/TALENT   SPACE Asteroid the size of 48 eggplants to pass earth (JPost)   TIME PRODUCERS   END

The Best Christian Podcast in the Omniverse Canary Cry News Talk #617 - 04.26.2023 - Recorded Live to Tape HOMO DIGITALENSIS | Epstein Effect, DEM Bot vs GOP AI, 3D Printed Vaxx  Deconstructing Corporate Mainstream Media News from a Biblical Worldview We Operate Value 4 Value: http://CanaryCry.Support Join Supply Drop: Submit Articles: http://CanaryCry.Report Join the Tee Shirt Council: Resource: Index of MSM Ownership ( Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm) All the links: http://CanaryCry.Party   This Episode was Produced By: Executive Producers Morgan E**** Kevin M***   Producers Katherine S, Tristan H, Moldy Soldier, Sir Morv Knight of the Burning Chariots, Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol, Isaac G, Jacob B, James M, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Dame Gail Canary Whisperer and Lady of X’s and O’s, Veronica D, Sir Scott Knight of Truth   CanaryCry.ART Submissions Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia JonathanF   Microfiction Runksmash - The pigeon drone emits its distress signal and every robot drops what they’re doing and swarm to Mike. The throng of mechanized monsters press in towards him and it looks bleak; but then he lets out a mighty “Buckaw!” And the heroes hear and respond.   Stephen S - “OH, SHE DID NOT!” echoed through the halls of the Congonda Presidential Palace when Dr Mal Content realized her cousin and high school rival declared herself as the Queen of Revelation 12.  “If she’s the Queen, I’ll be her Dragon!”     CLIP PRODUCER Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Joelms, Laura   TIMESTAPERS Jade Bouncerson, Christine C, Pocojo   SOCIAL MEDIA DOERS Dame MissG of the OV and Deep Rivers   CanaryCry.Report Submissions JAM   REMINDERS Clankoniphius  


HELLO, RUN DOWN EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF Former JPMorgan Banker With Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Leaves Citigroup (MSN/WSJ) Jes Staley says JPMorgan using him as 'shield' for Epstein failures (MSN/Reuters) Deep Fake: The big new photographic evidence against Jeffrey Epstein going viral is actually an AI creation (DailyDot) Meanwhile: ‘Rampant’ sexual abuse epidemic at Florida prison holding Ghislaine Maxwell, report says (Indie UK)   DAY JINGLE/PERSONAL/EXEC. Rumble Stream   FLIPPY The first babies conceived with a sperm-injecting robot have been born (Tech Review)   POLYTICKS/BIDEN The Inside Story of How Biden Cleared the Field for His Re-Election Bid (Time) → Why Biden Can Win in 2024 (NY Times Oped)   AI: First look: RNC slams Biden in AI-generated ad (Axios)   MONEY Russia/Sanctions: Russia Launching Digital Payment System With 'No Restrictions' ( UK: Bank of England economist says people need to accept they are poorer (BBC)    V4V/TREASURE   CYBORG Why Researchers Turned This Goldfish Into a Cyborg (NY Times)   GATES OF THE GODS Computer Security: The symbiosis of your life (CERN)   WACCINE Vaccine printer could help vaccines reach more people (MIT)   SPEAKPIPE/TALENT   SPACE Asteroid the size of 48 eggplants to pass earth (JPost)   TIME PRODUCERS   END