Previous Episode: White Horse Rider or Wormwood?

“COVID CRISPR CERN & the Virtual Panopticon!” - 04.08.2020 - CCNT186

Hey all you captive canarians! Reporting from somewhere in space and time for Basil, and FEMA region 9 for Gonz, this episode is once again LIVE! We go over how Flippy robots are turning CRISPR labs into Covid labs, Bernie is out, virus ends gang activity in South Africa, bad people are narking on their neighbors, CERN furloughed staff come up with respirator tech, WHO threatened by Trump, Bill Gates got hit in the face by a pie, a quick look at GSK, and Vir Technologies and their connection to the Gates Foundation and the WHO, as these two companies partner to fight the virus with CRISPR and AI, and a good old Nephilim Update as it were in the days of Noah. FIND US ON TWITCH!!

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