Canary Cry News Talk ep. 376 - 08.16.2021 - BAN TALI BIDEN: Robot Lawyers, Afghan Disaster, Pfizer Phinished, AI Patents - CCNT 376 Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL: MEET UPS:   INTRO 0:06:46  Biden photo zoom call (London Moscow Time difference)   FLIPPY 0:10:10 

Would you let a Robot Lawyer defend you? (BBC)
POLYTICK 0:25:58 

Biden in July on Afghanistan situation, aged badly (Clip)

Even CNN Jake Tapper pushing back on Biden in Afghanistan debacle (Clip)

Biden botched Afghanistan exit (CNN)\liban fighter poses with weapon they capture US base (Image)

Deleted Afghan tweet about women echoes old CIA memo (RT)

Afghan Embassy India deleted Tweet (OpIndia)

Shillzilla goin’ off on Biden competence (CNN)

Trudeau doesn’t deny that his lock down policies are tyrannical (Clip)

Fauci wants us to “put aside” personal liberty (The Hill)

Pfizer gang is Pfinished (Atlantic)

Wildfire smoke connected to C19 surge on West Coast (SF Chron.)

Oregon Gov to send troops to help hospitals (Guardian)

Man obsessed with conspiracy theory that Covid lead to NWO, commits suicide (DailyMail)
BREAK (producer party) 2:11:49 

Get used to surge in food prices, blamed on climate change [NOT inflation] (CNN)

Murder hornets are here, first live sighting (CNET)

Terrifying new theory: Fake News and Conspiracy Theory as evolutionary strategy (Salon)
AI 3:21:41 

First invention by AI to be granted patent (Analytics India Mag)

ex-CIA says Taliban takeover is “catastrophic” (NY Post)

China ready to take over Taliban (US News)

Readers share letters inspired by jab hesitancy (NPR)

As automation takes over, employees must keep up the “pretense of working” (Fortune) 

Saigon Kalub side by side photo with #BidenDisaster (Tweet)

Algorithms are racist, black people denied kidney replacement (Wired)

Wapo article published with “reckless disregard for truth” says judge (Epoch Times)

Chris Cuomo ethical issue between journalism and infotainment (Guardian)

Beirut explosion kills 20+ (AP)

Stanford University, mandatory testing for student regardless of jab status (Yahoo)

LA jab proof needed for indoor businesses (Breibart)

Alabama Gov declares “narrowly focused” state of emergency (The Hill)

Booster jab becomes obligatory for trips abroad and home care staff (DailyMail)

Former Pfizer CEO says for pregnant women NOT to get the jab (ChristianPost)

Mathematician calls out concerns for efficacy of jab, based on Math! (Substack) 

Former professor arrested for Arson spree that led to CA fires (Inside Edition)

Snopes retracts dozens of articles after co-founder plagiarized (Epoch Times)
PRODUCERS ep. 376:
Sir Igorious Knight of the Squatting Slavs**, Aaron J*, John K, Cherie H, Rebekah B, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Christian N, JC, Saul A, Sir Sigrah the Beast, Veronica D, Kim W, Gail M, Soylent GreenOG, Ciara, Dalton H, Watchmen with Uriel, Marc S
Christine C
Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation
Sir Dove, Knight of Rustbeltia

Canary Cry News Talk ep. 376 - 08.16.2021 - BAN TALI BIDEN: Robot Lawyers, Afghan Disaster, Pfizer Phinished, AI Patents - CCNT 376 Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL: MEET UPS:   INTRO 0:06:46  Biden photo zoom call (London Moscow Time difference)   FLIPPY 0:10:10  Would you let a Robot Lawyer defend you? (BBC)   POLYTICK 0:25:58  Biden in July on Afghanistan situation, aged badly (Clip) Even CNN Jake Tapper pushing back on Biden in Afghanistan debacle (Clip) Biden botched Afghanistan exit (CNN)\liban fighter poses with weapon they capture US base (Image) Deleted Afghan tweet about women echoes old CIA memo (RT) Afghan Embassy India deleted Tweet (OpIndia) Shillzilla goin’ off on Biden competence (CNN)   WACCINE/PANDEMIC SPECIAL 1:17:16  Trudeau doesn’t deny that his lock down policies are tyrannical (Clip) Fauci wants us to “put aside” personal liberty (The Hill) Pfizer gang is Pfinished (Atlantic) Wildfire smoke connected to C19 surge on West Coast (SF Chron.) Oregon Gov to send troops to help hospitals (Guardian) Man obsessed with conspiracy theory that Covid lead to NWO, commits suicide (DailyMail)   BREAK (producer party) 2:11:49    FOOD/GEOENGINEERING 2:58:40  Get used to surge in food prices, blamed on climate change [NOT inflation] (CNN) Murder hornets are here, first live sighting (CNET)   PSYOP MIND CONTOL 3:10:42 Terrifying new theory: Fake News and Conspiracy Theory as evolutionary strategy (Salon)   AI 3:21:41  First invention by AI to be granted patent (Analytics India Mag)   ADDITIONAL STORIES ex-CIA says Taliban takeover is “catastrophic” (NY Post) China ready to take over Taliban (US News) Readers share letters inspired by jab hesitancy (NPR) As automation takes over, employees must keep up the “pretense of working” (Fortune)  Saigon Kalub side by side photo with #BidenDisaster (Tweet) Algorithms are racist, black people denied kidney replacement (Wired) Wapo article published with “reckless disregard for truth” says judge (Epoch Times) Chris Cuomo ethical issue between journalism and infotainment (Guardian) Beirut explosion kills 20+ (AP) Stanford University, mandatory testing for student regardless of jab status (Yahoo) LA jab proof needed for indoor businesses (Breibart) Alabama Gov declares “narrowly focused” state of emergency (The Hill) Booster jab becomes obligatory for trips abroad and home care staff (DailyMail) Former Pfizer CEO says for pregnant women NOT to get the jab (ChristianPost) Mathematician calls out concerns for efficacy of jab, based on Math! (Substack)  Former professor arrested for Arson spree that led to CA fires (Inside Edition) Snopes retracts dozens of articles after co-founder plagiarized (Epoch Times)   PRODUCERS ep. 376: Sir Igorious Knight of the Squatting Slavs**, Aaron J*, John K, Cherie H, Rebekah B, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Christian N, JC, Saul A, Sir Sigrah the Beast, Veronica D, Kim W, Gail M, Soylent GreenOG, Ciara, Dalton H, Watchmen with Uriel, Marc S   TIMESTAMP: Christine C   ART: Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation Sir Dove, Knight of Rustbeltia

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