This week Brian, Ian, Pierre, Andrew, and Gavin address some of Andrew’s thoughts, listener feedback, Facebook extremism, Liberals want all electric vehicles by 2035 while parts of Canada face electricity shortages today, and the censorship bill C-10 stalls in the Senate. 


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 304 of Canadian Patriot Podcast. The number one live podcast in Canada. Recorded July 5, 2021.

Gavin Andrew Ian Pierre Brian

We’d love to hear your feedback about the show. Please visit or email us at [email protected]

A version of the show is Available on Stitcher at and iTunes and iTunes at

We need your help! To support Canadian Patriot Podcast visit and become a Patreon. You can get a better quality version of the show for just $1 per episode. Show you’re not a communist,  buy a CPP T-Shirt, for just $19.99 + shipping and theft. Visit home page and follow the link on the right.

What are we drinking

Andrew - Waterloo Dark

Gavin - Signal Hill & Diet Pepsi

Pierre - Cold shots

Brian - Sleeman 2.0

Patriot Challenge

We’re asking patriots to do 5 things everyday;

Exercise for at least 45 minutes Practice a skill for at least 10 minutes Read a book for at least 15 minutes Drink at least 2 liters of water Complete 1 task that will improve your life

Grab the template from our website and post it in your social media


The Finnish Reserve Sports Association RESUL is organizing an international four-day distance marching event open to everyone in Finland and around the world. The event will be held between 22-25 July 2021.


You can march for any number of days during the event, and available distances are 6.2 mi / 10 km, 15.5 mi / 25 km and 24.9 mi / 40 km. So if you're really masochistic, you can march for 160 klicks in four days. That sounds like fun, right?


New Shooter Canada has accepted the challenge

Section 74 Challenges

GoFundMe link…


To get involved email

[email protected]m

Listener Feedback

From Tom

RE: CPP Podcast Titles

Hey Guys,

Long time listener, first time caller. 

My watch just announced “a handful full of hard men is available”. My teenage self snickered.

Great book, I usually enjoy your podcast while I’m commuting, I’ll prepare by wearing appropriate shorts prior to listening to this one. 

Keep up the good work!



From Jason

Re: Great Podcast


Great podcast and I enjoy listening to you when I get my ruck on.  Just out of curiosity on your t shirts, do you offer the print on on the back side?



From Jason

Re: Wild Boar

There is a feral pig problem in Southern Manitoba around Glenboro 



From Jason

Re:Bill C36

As C10 was pushed through and supported by most of all parties which means more Mitsou and Nickelback sigh, could you also give opinion on the bringing back if I think Section 13, hate crimes section. You know the one where you’re charged without trial or seeing your accuser. I know you touched on it before. 

I wonder that as a gun owner if I could charge the government under the above mentioned hate crime(sarcasm) because it seems we have hit every check mark on that list. 

By the way still haven’t found ANTIFA on the latest round of terror groups. Really tempted to move back to Alberta or the Yukon. 

Great podcasts guys. 



Facebook tests prompts that ask users if they're worried a friend is 'becoming an extremist'

Be concerned about social media, they are taking all of your data Become an extremist, how has going along to get along worked out so far?


Liberals say by 2035 all new cars, light-duty trucks sold in Canada will be electric


Alberta electricity operator declares Level 1 energy emergency amid historic heat wave

BREAKING: Trudeau's censorship bill FAILS to pass through Senate

Its only stalled, not killed. It dies in the Senate if there is an election


The Senate Bill C-10 Debate Concludes: “I Don’t Think This Bill Needs Amendments. It Needs a Stake Through the Heart.”

Good news the Senate, even Trudeau appointed senators, hate this bill Book Club

July Becoming a Barbarian Jack Donovan


We’re on discord now

Andrew -

Visit us at

We value your opinions so please visit or email us at [email protected] and let us know what you think.

Apologies to Rod Giltaca

Remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”