Previous Episode: CPP295 - Censorship
Next Episode: C-10 yourself out

This week Andrew and Gavin conspire to address listener feedback, talk about the RESUL 4 day march, and review highlights of the new budget. Spoiler alert we’re broke AF.


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 296 of Canadian Patriot Podcast. The number one live podcast in Canada. Recorded May 10, 2021.

Gavin Andrew

We’d love to hear your feedback about the show. Please visit or email us at [email protected]

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What are we drinking

Andrew - Acergyln courtesy of BA

Gavin - Signal Hill & Diet Pepsi

Patriot Challenge

We’re asking patriots to do 5 things everyday;

Exercise for at least 45 minutes Practice a skill for at least 10 minutes Read a book for at least 15 minutes Drink at least 2 liters of water Complete 1 task that will improve your life

Grab the template from our website and post it in your social media


The Finnish Reserve Sports Association RESUL is organizing an international four-day distance marching event open to everyone in Finland and around the world. The event will be held between 22-25 July 2021.


You can march for any number of days during the event, and available distances are 6.2 mi / 10 km, 15,5 mi / 25 km and 24.9 mi / 40 km. So if you're really masochistic, you can march for 160 klicks in four days. That sounds like fun, right?

Section 74 Challenges

GoFundMe link…


To get involved email

[email protected]m



From: Jason

RE: CPP 292 - COVID Shots podcast


Greetings gents,


My  name is Jason.  I work as a police officer in Alberta and have about 18 years in law enforcement.  I listen to your show quite regularly, and even though your show seems to sometimes have an anti-police slant to it, I recognize that it's not because you guys hate cops per-se, but because you hate bad cops.  Not only am I of the same mindset, but it might surprise you to know that there are A LOT of cops out there who are on the same page.  While it's obvious the public isn't a fan of terrible cops, what doesn't seem to be talked about at all is that good, honest cops hate bad cops even more because they dishonor what we are supposed to be out there doing and because it makes doing this job even more difficult.


In one of your recent podcasts, you had discussed the Grace Life Church in Parkland County, outside of Edmonton, and were discussing the police response to this.  At one point, it was asked "why are they (the police) standing up for such tyranny?".


I'm not sure if this will answer your question, but as with the rest of society at large, there is a very diverse range of opinions on COVID-19, the general narrative surrounding the pandemic and the hysteria that's ensued as a result, as well as the establishment's 'response'.


There are quite a few guys in uniform who really have drank the 'kool-aid' and fully believe that this is a genuine, life shaking event that warrants government overreach and the suppression of individual rights and freedoms for what they believe is the 'greater good'.  They're not necessarily bad people (although they do have their share of dicks), but they honestly believe that the state and the system are the good guys, doing good things and never question whether what they're doing is right or wrong.


On the other end, you have guys like me who believe, for lack of a better term, that the entire affair is utter bullshit, and while not necessarily denying the existence of COVID-19, feel that the establishment (that being the state, corporate, and media apparatus working in concert) is lying to everyone for the purposes of expanding their power and control over society at large.


In the middle, though, you have a lot of men and women who aren't really sure what to believe or think (or aren't really paying a whole lot of attention) and are thankful they have a job, especially in a place like Alberta where a lot of people don't have jobs (if they don't work for the government) and the federal government's animosity towards that province is well known (and mutual).


I'm not really sure how that number breaks down in terms of who's who, and what makes this the most difficult is that open conversations surrounding the narratives that we are fed are generally not encouraged within the ranks.  It's a culture of fear, not much unlike what you may have read about in the USSR or Nazi Germany, where there was much dissent within the ranks, but if you spoke out or it was suspected you didn't toe the party line, there were consequences.  Obviously, here and now, the consequences aren't as grave as they were then....yet.  But it could mean your career.


My personal stance on this whole matter, for what it's worth, is this: I refuse to enforce any 'policies' or 'directives' that infringe on Charter Rights of private citizens.  I swore an Oath to follow all 'LAWFUL ORDERS' and to me, it is not a lawful order to infringe on someone's Charter Rights - those same Charter Rights that have and do allow bona fide criminals to go free in court if 'their' Charter Rights are infringed upon - for mere policy, the narrative surrounding it being questionable (at minimum) notwithstanding.  I also refuse, under any and all circumstances, to get the vaccine or allow any substance which has not been properly tested to be put in my body and the bodies of my children under the pretenses of fear and paranoia.  I have always preferred dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.  My stance has not been put to the test yet, but I have pondered this long and hard, mainly during many, many hours of long patrols in a solo police vehicle driving down dirt roads in the dark of night, and am well prepared to stand by my convictions, for better or worse.  I need to be able to look my kids in the eye when I come home and look myself in the mirror when I shave in the morning.  While I'll back up any fellow cop, bullet for bullet and punch for punch, in lawful execution of duties, I have drawn my line in the sand on what I'm prepared to do and not do.   I cannot account for what other cops do, and I won't, but I can account for myself and I will.


Personally, I see a chilling number of parallels between our current state of affairs and what we saw 20 years ago, post 9/11, where we saw the governments of the world's western nations use that event (whether it was an inside job or not is a topic for another discussion) as a justification for passing laws and policies that resulted in serious breaches of individual rights and liberties, all done supposedly for the 'greater good', that HAVE NOT STOPPED A SINGLE TERRORIST.  In fact, I'd argue that the actions of the state since have created more terrorists.  What's happening now, unfortunately, will be no different.  Politicians today, especially left-wing politicians, have made their opinions of people who do not support them and their agenda very clear and I, as you guys likely do as well, predict some serious problems moving forward.  The tragedy is that this is entirely unavoidable and it the cost overall in terms of human life and, perhaps even the soul of our nation, will be unspeakable.


Anyway, I know this was a bit long winded and I apologize for that, but I hope this sheds a bit of light on some of your questions.  Keep on doing the podcast.  There are more people out there listening than you might think.




P.S. - by the way, we are NOT the military and have nothing to do with it.  I did six years in the army reserves, concurrent with my law enforcement service, and I can tell you that while law enforcement agencies have a paramilitary structure, the only real thing they have in common with the military is their ability to be just as cumbersome, wasteful, and incompetent as any other bloated government bureaucracy.



Hey guys,

Long time listening and love the show.

Seeding has just started in Saskatchewan so I’m looking forward to catching up on episode in the tractor this May.


I finally checked out the website in hopes of purchasing a Tshirt but notice they are all sold out.

I’m wondering when will you be getting more?


Keep up the good work and interesting content.



Ryan Mac from Sask.


Budget 2021


Big Ticket Items

Extending COVID-19 emergency benefits EI reforms A new luxury tax An empty-homes tax for foreign homeowners Taxes on cigarettes and vaping products A boost to Old Age Security A $15 federal minimum wage Digital Services Tax Book Club

May Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky

June A Handful of Hard Men Hannes Wessels


Buy an Official Big Luau Shirt on Amazon so we get affiliate revenue


We’re on discord now


Andrew -

Visit us at


We value your opinions so please visit or email us at [email protected] and let us know what you think.


Apologies to Rod Giltaca

Remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”