This week we have a special guest; Wade joins us to talk more about Section 74 reference hearings. Ed Burlew is now involved in a Section 74 appeal, and Wades group is trying to raise money for their court battles. We also talk about the defeat of C-238 and alleged criminals owning legal firearms. 


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 282 of Canadian Patriot Podcast. The number one live podcast in Canada. Recorded Feb 1, 2021.


Andrew Gavin Brian Marty Wade

We’d love to hear your feedback about the show. Please visit or email us at [email protected]

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What are we drinking

Andrew - Homebrew Chocolate Milk Stout

Gavin - Jack and coke zero

Brian - Lech

Wade -Jack and Coke

Marty - Busch 

Patriot Challenge

We’re asking patriots to do 5 things everyday;

Exercise for at least 45 minutes Practice a skill for at least 10 minutes Read a book for at least 15 minutes Drink at least 2 liters of water Complete 1 task that will improve your life

Grab the template from our website and post it in your social media

Section 74 Challenges

After the Government's decision to ban over 1500 models and types of firearms by Order in Council in May 2020, affected owners who held valid registration certificates in compliance with Canadian law started receiving notices from Registrar advising that their certificates were no longer valid.  The reason why this matters is the cancellation of valid issued certificates is contrary to the purpose of Order in Council, and makes compliance more difficult. 


Hundreds of Canadians receiving these notices decided to exercise their legal right to a hearing to have the issue referred to the Provincial Court. The issue in part is that notices claim that the certificates are nullified, but there is no such thing as nullification according to the law. 


At the hearings, the government is taking the position that as the certificates were nullified (a term made up by the Registrar), the applicants are not even entitled to a hearing. Some applicants were successful in overcoming this hurdle, others were not. 


A group of unsuccessful S74 applicants are now looking to fund an appeal to the Superior Court of Ontario challenging the dismissal of their applications. The appeal will concern whether the Provincial Courts used a fair and legally valid process to deny the applicants a full fair hearing on the merits. 


While this type of hearing process has received a lot of heated discussion within the gun community, the fundamental purpose of this type of hearing is to hold the government decision makers accountable and prevent them from making up their own rules and running roughshod over peoples rights in a clear disregard for the principle of Procedural Fairness. If the Registrar and the Canadians Firearms Program are able to avoid scrutiny of this most recent action simply by ignoring the actual regulations and using wordplay, the implications for all Canadian firearms owners is dire, leading potentially to jeopardizing any future ability to challenge government overreach.


The immediate need is to appeal to the Superior Court of Ontario for two recent dismissals. We need to hit our fundraising target ideally by Feb 10, 2021 so that appeal notices can be filed with the court during the appeal window. In this type of action, able counsel is required. Ed Burlew, one of Canada’s most notable and experienced attorney’s in the area of firearms has agreed to handle the appeals and is confident they will be successful.


We recognize this is not the main fight - The most important battle is the one going on in Federal Court to strike the Order in Council. However, this is still an important challenge to make and will help protect Canadian firearms owners from even more erosion of our already tenuous rights. It’s also a complimentary action to the Federal Challenges as any evidence, testimony or findings against the government are being shared with several attorneys involved at that level and may prove useful in the grander scheme.


GoFundMe link…


To get involved email

[email protected]


Bill C-238


As They Target Law-Abiding Gun Owners, Liberals & NDP Vote Against Conservative Bill That Would Fight Illegal Gun Smuggling


Parliament Talks Smuggled Guns and Mandatory Minimums


Hells Angel wins court challenge over gun licence renewal

Book Club

February Ender’s Game Orson Scott Card


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We’re on discord now

Andrew -

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Apologies to Rod Giltaca

Remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”