This week's love story belongs to Kim Albright (Director) and Julia Lederer (Writer), the creative duo behind the powerful new film With Love and a Major Organ.  The inspiring film has been touring the festival circuit, captivating and connecting with audiences nationwide.

With Love and a Major Organ is set in an alternate world where hearts are made of objects and suppressing emotions is self-care, a lonely woman rips out her own heart for the man she loves, only to discover that he has run away with it. Whimsical, quirky, and wildly original, With Love and a Major Organ pushes on the ever-stranger phenomenon of physical human interaction in the age of technology. Why is it that we are ever more connected and yet we have never felt more alone?

In this episode, we discuss the heart-centred themes in the show and the journey from screenplay to feature-length film. Kim and Julia share their thoughts on the creative process, challenges, and triumphs that brought this extraordinary film to the big screen.

With Love and a Major Organ will be featured at the Atlantic International Film Festival on September 17th. Purchase tickets to the screening here.

For more information:

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Follow Kim:

Hosted by Nancy Regan

Presented by Charm Diamond Centres

Produced by Podstarter

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