In this podcast, Alexandre talk about an issue encountered with recent sound cards or Bluetooth audio devices making the speech synthesizers less reactive then expected or in some situations the volume can fluctuate. This is a problem caused by premature closing of the audio channel. The way to fix this issue is to install a software that will continuously broadcast silence on the audio device used by the screen reader. After a demonstration of this bug, he explains how to use Silenzio.

Silenzio is developed by Stephan Kiss and it is possible to download Silenzio V1.0 here.

Finally, Alexandre talk about a second problem sometime present with modern sound cards when connecting speakers or headphones. It may now be necessary to validate a dialog box before the sound is transmitted to the new connected device. This dialog is unfortunately not always accessible and easy to access with a screen reader. Some solutions will be suggested in order to get around this problem.

In addition, as a reminder, the Canadialog team can offer private or group training on request on the use of assistive technologies. Do not hesitate to contact our team to learn more about training we can offer.

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