In this podcast published on March 23, 2020, learn more about the Chromecast, a small device from Google that allows you to stream the content of your choice to your TV from your phone, tablet or computer.

Alexandre will be with you to give you some advice on accessibility, teach you the different steps to configure the device, what you can stream from your iPhone or Android device, how to broadcast the screen of your PC wirelessly or how to stream content using your voice and a smart speaker. The Chromecast will broadcast both the image and the sound of your equipment on the TV to which it is connected. Since the Google Home app is required to configure the Chromecast, see our Google Home setup podcast here to find out more information on this app

In addition, as a reminder, the Canadialog team can offer private or group training on request on the use of assistive technologies. Do not hesitate to contact our team to learn more about training we can offer.

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