In this podcast recorded during the holydays 2019 and published on May 1st 2020, Alexandre and Olivier tell you funny stories about their devices. The goal of this podcast was to change a bit of what we’re used to do and to have some fun sharing our experiences with our listeners. You will learn how our devices survived or not to different type of damages.

Before telling you about our devices, Alexandre will discuss about some wrong informations found in the podcast regarding free licenses for JAWS, ZoomText and Fusion provided for the Covid-19. This should be useful to you if you need to use JAWS remote access and/or tandem direct feature. Next, Alexandre will tell you about an update that came out for the Bose Frames glasses which provide a way to adjust the volume by turning your head.

In addition, as a reminder, the Canadialog team can offer private or group training on request on the use of assistive technologies. Do not hesitate to contact our team to learn more about training we can offer.

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