Previous Episode: 26 - The First binge of 2021
Next Episode: 28 - Music in Movies

War - The Trumpets have taken the capitol as the Emperor retreats to his bedroom to watch on the news and eat KFC. In our 27th episode, we cover our new favorite show, available on all platforms - America, The Fallen. The final season of the Democracy mini-series is off to a great start as Emperor Trump calls for his legion to show strength and march! 

Friends has moved from it's home on Netflix to an equally expensive option, HBO/Crave - will you move with them? Speaking of Friends, how much in common do you have with your digital acquaintances? 

Make sure to stick around and listen to my new favorite segment, Letters to G starring Cheryl Cobbs! Let us know if you get yearly newsletters at [email protected]

Time Codes: 

Intro (10:55)

This week on Netflix (19:32)

America, the show, the finale (32:37)

Friends GO to HBO (49:30)

Facebook "friends" (1:36:27)

Letters to G (2:01:48)