It’s our one year anniversary and we spend it answering listener email. Along the way, it leads to a deep discussion of the Rankin/Bass Rudolf special, a fun Christmas “card” game, and a list of the five best things about Christmas that aren’t presents. Plus you’ll learn even more about our endeavor to find the BEST version of Jingle Bells, the Jingle Brawl! Download here! 00:00 – 02:12 Intro 02:12 – 05:16 Santa Babb’s Mail Bag 05:16 – 07:42 We Need A Little Christmas Now 07:42 – 12:50 5 Golden Things (Awesome Things About Christmas…Besides Presents) 12:50 – 14:28 All…

It’s our one year anniversary and we spend it answering listener email. Along the way, it leads to a deep discussion of the Rankin/Bass Rudolf special, a fun Christmas “card” game, and a list of the five best things about Christmas that aren’t presents. Plus you’ll learn even more about our endeavor to find the BEST version of Jingle Bells, the Jingle Brawl!

Download here!

00:00 – 02:12 Intro

02:12 – 05:16 Santa Babb’s Mail Bag

05:16 – 07:42 We Need A Little Christmas Now

07:42 – 12:50 5 Golden Things (Awesome Things About Christmas…Besides Presents)

12:50 – 14:28 All I Want For Christmas is News

14:28 – 28:06 Questions About the Rankin/Bass Rudolph Special

28:06 – 33:52 Jingle Brawl Round 7 (Plus Recap)

33:52 – 36:07 Wrap Up

36:07 – 39:47 Outtakes

“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” United States Marine Band

“Jingle Bells” Performed by Kristen Nowicki

Vote Now In The 2016 Jingle Brawl

(The embedded player for the episode is bellow the poll & links)

Take Our Poll
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Kringle Radio

Anthony’s Website

ICE Featuring A Charlie Brown Christmas Story

Brian’s Blog About Rudolf