Josh Teekell and Andy Fuselier from are revolutionizing the way we think about HVAC and plumbing through technology. With Josh's engineering savvy, emphasizing the homeowner experience and Andy's laser focus on process optimization and company growth, they shed light on leveraging technology, customer growth, the importance of different perspectives, and provide a roadmap for scalable service.

They join Chad Peterman to discuss the dynamic changes the pandemic has brought, the growing emphasis on data and AI, and how to maintain relevance amidst the influx of private equity in the industry. They’re not just talking about growth; they’re exploring the synergies of innovation, efficiency, and excellent service. So, brace yourself for an episode packed with actionable strategies, future-forward thinking, and an unmissable breakdown of the industry's inevitable growth trajectory.

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Chad Peterman | CEO | Author
Peterman Brothers Website
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