Dan Clapper is the Market Director of Interplay Learning, an innovative online on-demand technical training platform. With a focus on assisting contractors who rely on labs or on-the-job training, Interplay Learning provides supplemental education through simulations and foundational knowledge.

Ken Midgett is dedicated to impacting the market and helping people achieve professional career growth. He believes in providing training in a positive and non-threatening environment, unlike the hostile environment that existed in the past.

They both join Chad Peterman to delve into the world of training and development in the contracting industry. They explore the power of simulations in preparing apprentices for real-life tasks, the importance of self-confidence in leadership and business owners, and the need for innovative approaches to training the younger generation. Tune in to this conversation!

Additional Resources:
Chad on LinkedIn
Peterman Brothers Website
Dan Clapper on LinkedIn
Ken Midgett on LinkedIn
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