We are back with our special guest Geno "Truce II Headrush" Frazier. We get deep into the meaning of comics and how someone can get back into reading. We also take a look at Truce's music and hear one of his first songs and one of his most recent, so tune in to this bizarre ride... 

New Books: 

1. Justice League #6 (Manus) 

2. Edge of Spider-Geddon #1 (Spider-Punk) Eli and Manus

3. Infinity Wars #2 (All) 

Shout out to Dave's Hot Chicken for the amazing chicken we chowed before 'casting. 


Songs by Geno: 

Half Past by Midnight:30

Home by Truce II Headrush

Check out more of Truce's music: 




Read more about Truce CLICK HERE