Kevin and Jesse are joined by fellow BRKDWN college analyst and author of the famous series, “The Dumb Brain” Sam to discuss the happenings of College Football. The guys give their instant reaction to the first Playoff rankings of the year. (Sam obviously isn’t happy.) then they review all the major news from the past week. Appalachian State and SMU’s Cinderella stories finally hit midnight, the NCAA’s horrible scheduling giving us 35!! teams on a BYE, and the recent vote by the NCAA to start talking about players being compensated. They list their favorite players to use in the NCAA Video Game series. They preview the top 25 matchups and list bets they like and then jump into segments, all winding up with the most important news of the night, our post Halloween candy poll. Follow us on Twitter @the_BRKDWN @KHookem @UncleJesse___ and @Samuel_Murphy20Remember to subscribe rate and review or your team gets the Death Penalty.