After a year of lockdowns, global economic turmoil, 9% inflation rate, record high home prices and record low savings rates, the average American is hurting financially with $6500 in credit card debt and less than 10% over 65 having enough to retire. The cost of a college degree is going through the roof while its value is going through the floor. So how do we fix this? 

Grant Watkins is an entrepreneur working to bring financial education to kids from elementary through high school with a fun video game. Learn the basics of financial literacy, investing, budgeting, real estate, buying a small business and more in an exciting and interactive way.

Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Grant worked a number of sales jobs, from selling Toyotas to pay his way through college, to manufacturing contracts in Beijing, China, to residential real estate in his hometown of Houston, Texas.

In 2019, Grant began working on his own personal finances which led him down the rabbit hole of modern finance and all its problems. From the overall lack of education to traps such as payday loans. He began plugging himself into the Houston ecosystem in August '21 and finally took the leap into full-time entrepreneurship in January '22.


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