Previous Episode: Skyjacks: Episode 64
Next Episode: Skyjacks: Episode 66

Gable learns about the terrible secret at the heart of Il Sangue Dio and it has big implications for them. It's a little fucked up. Jonnit, Travis, and Margaret sneak aboard the Slain Church ship using one of her spells.
Main Show: Implied torture, flayed skin, dismemberment, kissing
Dear Uhuru: Internet bullshit, poorly remembered physics, vore
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Gable learns about the terrible secret at the heart of Il Sangue Dio and it has big implications for them. It's a little fucked up. Jonnit, Travis, and Margaret sneak aboard the Slain Church ship using one of her spells.


Main Show: Implied torture, flayed skin, dismemberment, kissing

Dear Uhuru: Internet bullshit, poorly remembered physics, vore

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