Previous Episode: Skyjacks: Episode 63
Next Episode: Skyjacks: Episode 65

Jonnit wakes up to find Adrianne has been caring for him and jumped to some pretty wild conclusions. Galbe has to focus the totality of their mental powers into outwitting Wario. While Travis resolves his final heartbreak with Margaret before moving on to make a promise.
Main Show: Manipulating faith, grief, implied parental trauma
Dear Uhuru: HONK };0)
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Jonnit wakes up to find Adrianne has been caring for him and jumped to some pretty wild conclusions. Galbe has to focus the totality of their mental powers into outwitting Wario. While Travis resolves his final heartbreak with Margaret before moving on to make a promise.


Main Show: Manipulating faith, grief, implied parental trauma

Dear Uhuru: HONK };0)

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