More Mothra madness with Godzilla joining the fun. We're talkin' kaiju rumbles, subs vs. dubs, Skeleturtle, and more Mothra trivia with guest host, Ben Cook-Feltz. Special thanks to Ben and all of you for listening. Consider becoming a patron - between now and April, we’ll send each of our patrons an exclusive Mothra March Madness poster! Tell some friends about the deal too, we’d love to grow our community. Thanks again and until next time, stay campy!,, and Instagram for more monster movie content.

Camp Kaiju: Monster Movie Reviews; Mothra vs. Godzilla; Godzilla vs. Mothra; Godzilla vs. The Thing (1964, dir. Ishiro Honda) Movie Review. Hosted by Vincent S. Hannam, Matthew Cole Levine, Ben Cook-Feltz.


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