Try to go on social media without video popping up... you can't! Video is everywhere you turn, and in this episode, we unpack why.

First of all, our brains love video. We process visual content faster than we do text. Like, a lot faster. According to a study done by 3M, our brains process visual content 60,000 times faster than text!

Not only that, but we are also more likely to comprehend and retain visual information. So not only are you captivating your audience's attention FASTER, but you're also giving them a greater chance to remember the content you're putting before them.

Whatever field you are currently in, take a look at what sort of content others around you are posting. If they're posting mostly photos, then you have the perfect opportunity to stand out by beginning video. If they're posting mostly video, then you should also be posting video to stand out. Also, take a look at what leaders in your industry are doing. I guarantee you they are using video in some format.

If you think video will take too much time and effort to begin creating, I have a quick exercise for you. Take into account the amount of time you're spending creating images or infographics for your social media. 

Doing what you know is always a quicker process than starting something new, but once you start, you will pick it up fast! And once you have a process down, you won't be spending more time pouring into your marketing strategy, you'll instead be supplementing the content you're already creating with video, which is going to stimulate the brains of your audience way faster!

💥Free Webinar💥
If you haven't yet, check out my Free Webinar- 5 Confidence Barriers: The Reasons you're Staying Stuck with Video 

Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook and Instagram. For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected].
 Until next time.💛