Do you have a system for getting ready before you start your video, aka becoming "camera-ready"? If not, this is how you can create one, and why you absolutely should!
What in the world is camera-ready? Camera-ready is the physical preparation of "getting ready" before you take a video.

This is completely separate from focusing your mind and preparing your content, this is strictly talking about the physical getting ready process.  This does not mean doing your makeup or wearing a freshly pressed blazer. It is simply about creating a system that you can use, repeat, and simplify!

Why is it important? Simply put, you want to feel good when you're on camera! So ask yourself: "What makes me feel good?" Feeling good helps us feel more confident. And when you're intentionally putting your best foot forward, that shows up on video!

It also comes down to setting your expectations and having realistic standards for how you want to show up on camera.

You set the standard for what people will expect when they go to your page.

You don't have to be anything other than who you are! You don't have to feel like you're being a 'fancy entrepreneur' when you take video, you can just be the entrepreneur and person that you are.

Here's the way you can make your own system to become 'camera-ready.'

The first step is to define your "must-have" guidelines for when you show up on camera. What things are super important to you? For me, it's mascara, lip color, and not wearing a graphic t-shirt. That system takes me approximately 60 seconds to complete. It's not fancy because it doesn't need to be. It's me because it needs to be. It's efficient and it allows me to feel like I'm putting my best foot forward.

The second step is to define your "nice to have" guidelines, these are extra things you might want to add to your getting ready process, but they're not deal-breakers if they don't get done. For example, I'd like to blow dry my hair and have pretty, defined curls. Will I create content even when my hair is a frizzy mess? Yes. But, if I can plan in advance to brush and blow-dry my hair the night before, I feel even better about presenting myself on camera.

The last step is to determine how much time you have. I spend a little longer getting ready to create a podcast episode compared to my 60-second process for stories and lives.

As you continue taking videos, you may develop a different process depending on what platforms and style of content you're taking.

No system is better than another. You do not have to wear a blazer or makeup when you take videos. Being natural and wearing a t-shirt is just fine. One is not better than the other, they are just different. Really and truly, you can come as you for your content. And let that be the standard that you set, which your audience will learn to expect from you.

💥Get Started with your Video Checklist💥

A quick and easy guide to elevating your video content! Print out this checklist before your next video to make sure your Framing, Lighting & Confidence are on point:

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Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok! For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected]. Until next time.