I recently spoke at my first conference and learned some valuable lessons my first time professionally taking the stage.

The most remarkable part of the experience was how similar the skillset I use to speak on camera was to the skillset I used to speak on a stage. Key skills like preparation, body language, and energy are all components that work virtually the same on stage as they do on  video.

I am simultaneously reading Atomic Habits, where James Clear breaks down how every action we take inside of a habit feeds the information of how we identify ourselves. For example, every time you go to stretch and go on a run, those actions feed into your identity as a runner.

What I didn't realize until very recently, was the power behind the consistency of creating content weekly, like this Podcast. For a full year I have cultivated the habit of confidently speaking in each podcast episode. Every time I did this, I subconsciously fed into the idea that I am a confident speaker.

This new identity as a confident speaker followed me onto the stage and into the networking event that followed.

The purpose of me sharing this revelation is to emphasize the fact that you do not need to wait until you are in the room to begin the skill that is Speaking Confidently. You can cultivate it from your living room, using the power of video.

NOW is the time to get begin working on your craft, so that when the opportunities come, you trust yourself enough to say yes.

🎙💚Take the first step in creating your podcast by joining me on Buzzsprout! Use this link for a $20 Amazon gift card bonus if you decide to sign up for a paid plan: 💚🎙 https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1770644 

💥Get Started with your Video Checklist💥

A quick and easy guide to elevating your video content! Print out this checklist before your next video to make sure your Framing, Lighting & Confidence are on point: www.checklist.camerabrave.com

🌟The Camera Brave Club

My monthly coaching group that teaches you how to take videos that grow your social media! Join us for monthly trainings, coaching calls and community that builds your confidence on-camera: www.camerabraveclub.com 

✏️The Academy

The Camera Brave Academy is an entrepreneur’s guide to building confidence on-camera and nailing down your content messaging. This 6-week course is launched once a year in the fall, grab your spot on the waitlist here: www.camerabraveacademy.com 

💛Get Connected

Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook and Instagram and now Tik Tok! For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected]. Until next time.