Are you allowing the need to be perfect stop you? What would happen if you let that idea go, and realized you had every component you need to create that next big thing, today?  Let me just remind you, B+ work is ok. Release yourself from the pressure that it has to be perfect. That it has to be A+ before it's launched. This episode is your permission to do that next thing, without getting it perfect.

Why does it terrify us over-achievers to release B+ work into the world? That's a problem I've worked on heavily since becoming an entrepreneur. The honest-to-goodness truth is, as long as you're adding value to every single thing you create, then you are wasting no one's time. You can always refine and finesse as you go.

When you keep waiting for permission, or validation, or someone else's approval, you are wasting your time. No one can come along and make these decisions for you in your business. A good coach can help you, but only on the things you tell them. What about those deep-rooted feelings of shame and fear that we don't vocalize?

Is there an action or a decision that you are actively avoiding? I caught myself doing this for over a month. I knew I was avoiding something, I knew I had all the tools I needed, but I let myself push it off because "I was too busy." The truth is, what I was doing required a push. It forced me to dig deep. And in doing that I had to confront the fact that behind my excuse was a heaping pile of fear of failure.

The truth is, I had every single component that I needed to create a B+ version and launch it out into the world. I was stalling and waiting for that A+ magic to fall in my lap. Let go of the idea of how it should look. Make it a reality using all the tools you have within arms reach. Use your network, phone a friend for help.

Every minute you delay is time you are wasting. This is your permission, permission to be imperfect.

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💥Get Started with your Video Checklist💥

A quick and easy guide to elevating your video content! Print out this checklist before your next video to make sure your Framing, Lighting & Confidence are on point:

🌟The Camera Brave Club

My monthly coaching group that teaches you how to take videos that grow your social media! Join us for monthly trainings, coaching calls and community that builds your confidence on-camera: 

✏️The Academy

The Camera Brave Academy is an entrepreneur’s guide to building confidence on-camera and nailing down your content messaging. This 6-week course is launched once a year in the fall, grab your spot on the waitlist here: 

💛Get Connected

Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook and Instagram and now Tik Tok! For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected]. Until next time.