Video Trends are a HUGE opportunity to get your business seen across platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok by an audience outside of your current followers. This is how you can approach trends authentically and use them to spread value.

I occasionally hear a push-back regarding trends from my audience. And I think it all has to do with the way we define the word. When you think of "trend," what comes to mind? Is it a Tik Tok Dance trend, or an audio soundbite from The Office? If it's something that feels cringey or invaluable, of course you don't want to create it.

When I think of "trend", I think of trending audio. This is audio that Instagram Reels are heavily promoting, due to a high number of users already creating content to that audio. And the amazing thing about trending audio: it comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be music that is soft and instrumental, upbeat and jazzy, or 80's pop. Music of all sorts of genre's will trend. Some of them will even not have vocals, making it perfect for you to voice over.

Once you can see the potential in the concept of using trends and remove any negative thoughts you may have had initially, trends are nothing but potential to spread your video to a wider audience. 

Here are a few ideas for how you can begin to create trending videos without sacrificing an ounce of authenticity:

Use Instrumental music and share your products or services.Structure your videos with a proper hook, CTA, and cover photo.Layer in alternative types of content, like a time-lapse of you during a coaching call.Add text on the screen with "5 tips for (fill in the blank).

These are all ways to present value to your audience without having to hop on any trends that you don't love. I challenge you to give it a try by creating a reel to trending audio this week!

🎙💚Take the first step in creating your podcast by joining me on Buzzsprout! Use this link for a $20 Amazon gift card bonus if you decide to sign up for a paid plan: 💚🎙 

💥Get Started with your Video Checklist💥

A quick and easy guide to elevating your video content! Print out this checklist before your next video to make sure your Framing, Lighting & Confidence are on point:

🌟The Camera Brave Club

My monthly coaching group that teaches you how to take videos that grow your social media! Join us for monthly trainings, coaching calls and community that builds your confidence on-camera: 

✏️The Academy

The Camera Brave Academy is an entrepreneur’s guide to building confidence on-camera and nailing down your content messaging. This 6-week course is launched once a year in the fall, grab your spot on the waitlist here: 

💛Get Connected

Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook and Instagram and now Tik Tok! For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected]. Until next time.