If you've ever posted a video that didn't get the engagement you were hoping for- this episode is for you! There is so much MORE value to a video than the number of views it receives.

The views don't equal the value! Meaning, do not allow the reach of your content to determine the worth of your content.

Listen friend, I get it. When you post a video that you thought would do well and doesn't, it's easy to feel discouraged. I feel this especially when I create Instagram Reels. There seems to be no way for me to tell which will sky rocket and do amazing and which will perform just 'ok.'

But here's the thing: if I wasn't willing to create content that just did 'ok', I'd never be able to create content that did amazing.

As content creators and story tellers, we accept the risk that not all of our content is going to perform amazing. But in order for any of the content to do well, you have to create and you have to share it with the world. And when that means not that much of the world actually got to see your video, that's just part of the process.

One thing that is more important than the numbers is the skill that you are learning and practicing. Every single video you take is practice. Sometimes we have off days, sometimes the algorithm is rooting against us. But you still created something. You still got those reps in of trying. And that is SO important! Think about all amazing athletes, they have to practice endlessly. They have to fall down. They have to fail and face injury and loss. Your video journey is no different. Practicing is essential to your growth.

The next thing to focus on is that you're building brand recognition. Even if only your small audience saw it, at least they saw you! They are still important, and they are learning more and more about what you do and what you offer. They are learning to associate you with something. My 'something' is video. So even if people don't know exactly what I do and what I offer, they know I do 'something about video.' And that brand recognition is worth building!

Another crucial factor when you create content is that you're creating content for your FUTURE audience! Think about the last time you stumbled upon a page you liked, have you ever gone over to a page and binged a ton of their videos? Well, when you keep adding to your content library, you're giving your audience a place to do just that.

Also, keep in mind, so much of this is about perspective. While my 462 views on my Reel wasn't a great number, think about if 462 people walked through my front door and watched me take that video. That's an overwhelming amount of engagements and interaction! So, while it isn't the 2k views that my account has gotten in the past, it is still a valuable number.

Of course we want our videos to reach as many people as possible, but the views aren't everything. There is value in what you're creating, even when they don't sky rocket. And you never know when that next video could be 'the one' to go viral.

So keep your head up and keep creating content. You've got this!

💥Get Started with your Video Checklist💥

A quick and easy guide to elevating your video content! Print out this checklist before your next video to make sure your Framing, Lighting & Confidence are on point: www.checklist.camerabrave.com

💛Get Connected💛

Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook and Instagram. For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected]. Until next time.