Previous Episode: Memorial Stones

Pentecost Sunday is the observance of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the earth.

It is celebrated 50 days after Passover. Just before Jesus ascended from earth back to Heaven, He instructed His disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait upon the Holy Spirit to come to them, which He’d promised to send to them so they wouldn’t feel so alone after He left. He called the Holy Spirit "another comforter". Jesus told them, you will receive power to be my witnesses when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and not to fear when they are taken before governors for preaching His word, because the Holy Spirit would give them the words to say.

The book of Joel tells us that in the last days, another outpouring of the Holy Spirit will occur. We are praying for this outpouring to begin on us! The power of the Holy Spirit is undeniable, and something every Christian needs. Thank God, He sent us this precious gift of another comforter!