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Mount Zion is prevalent throughout scripture. It was a physical mountain in ancient Jerusalem, but it was also used to describe the Jewish Nation, and it is referred to as the Heavenly Jerusalem and will be the physical location of the Millennial Jerusalem, and it was the very birthplace of the early church! Mount Zion was the dwelling place of God. It was where people physically came to worship God.

Hebrews 12:18-24 NLT tells us that Jesus came as the fulfillment of Mount Zion—and that when we worship God from our spirit in truthfulness, Verse 24 says “we have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and (you’ve come) to the sprinkled blood of Jesus, which speaks of forgiveness…”

We may never visit the earthly Mount Zion, but we have already been there if we have accepted that precious blood of Christ, and we will surely see when we reign in the Millennium with Christ!