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In II Chronicles 20:12-24 King Jehoshaphat’s great horde of enemies were coming after him, so he went to prayer. Jehoshaphat said, we are powerless against this great horde and we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are upon you, Lord.

God answered Jehoshaphat’s prayer through the prophet Jahaziel using the same language Jehoshaphat used saying, Do not fear nor be dismayed by the great horde, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.

Sometimes, like the king Jehoshaphat did, we have to be battle ready. But, God said to believe Him, and believe the prophet, and they will succeed. And succeed, they did! For in the morning, after the worshippers were sent out before the warriors, the enemy had completely destroyed each other.

Do not fear nor be dismayed by the great horde you might see in your life. Believe in God and the prophet, and succeed.