Previous Episode: Barometer of Discipleship
Next Episode: Put Your Faith In Him

In Acts 2-3 we see the Holy Spirit working miracles through the early church to capture the attention of unbelievers and open their hearts to the gospel message. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is still calling to the unbeliever. Like the church in Acts 4, we diligently pray that the Holy Sprit work miracles through us as a sign to the unbeliever that the gospel is Truth.

[In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit falls on all gathered in the upper room and they begin speaking in unknown tongues. A crowd gathered because they heard their own languages being spoken, giving Peter a chance to share the gospel with unbelievers.

In Acts 3, filled with the Spirit, Peter heals the lame beggar and an astonished crowd gathered around, again giving Peter an opportunity to share the gospel with unbelievers.

And in Acts 4, Peter and John return to their people after being threatened by the Sanhedrin. They call out to God, saying "29 ...Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” The Spirit shook the place where they were gathered and they were again filled with the Holy Spirit to share the gospel boldly.]