During Lent, we set aside extra time to pray. Our hope is that by taking this intentional step as a congregation in this season, we will come to Easter having developed or deepened a habit of prayer. For it is through prayer that God transforms our lives, it is an avenue through which His character is made evident in us.

One daily practice to consider for the season of Lent is the Prayer of Examen. Founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Examen is a method of personal daily prayer in which one reflects honestly on both the challenging and beautiful events of the past day. In the honest pondering of our daily highs and lows, we develop the beautiful habit of finding God in all things. It is through this careful attention to His presence in our lives that gratitude rises up.

Use these prompts to guide your time of prayer each day (typically done in the evening).

“Search me O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” – Psalm 139:23-24
1. Become aware of God’s Presence. Thank him for His love for you.
2. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s grace and insight so that you may see and understand God’s involvement in your life and so you may see your life clearly.
3. Review your day. Recall specific moments and your feelings and responses at the time. Focus your attention on a few moments that stand out to you.
4. Take those moments that stood out you and reflect more deeply on what you did, said, or thought. What were your desires in the moment? Your motivations? In these moments, did you feel close to God or further away from Him?
5. Respond to what God has shown you, either with thanksgiving or confession. Rest in God’s love for you and ask him to show you how you may better love God and neighbor in the coming days. Ask for his grace and power to do so.

Lent is a time for self-examination and contemplation. To facilitate this, Christians often set aside certain foods or non-essential activities. Fasting is not meant to be deprivation or a means of earning grace. Rather, fasting is meant to provide spiritual focus. By setting aside something that is normally a part of your daily life, you are creating space for God. As you voluntarily deny yourself, you are reminded of Jesus as the source of your true sustenance.

Fasting is not limited to food (though many people may choose a meal or specific food group from which to fast). Abstaining from certain practices can help us loosen the grip that unhealthy appetites and destructive addictions have on our lives. You may consider fasting from buying books, wearing makeup, listening to the radio /podcasts or eating processed foods. To abstain from these things, things that are not in and of themselves bad, helps us resist subtle idolatry and refocus our lives on God.

On Sundays, we set aside our fast as we spend time gathered as a church, feasting in the presence of the Lord.

During the season of Lent we are spending extended time in prayer. As part of this practice we seek to know how God would have us deepen our giving. Consider ways that you can express your faith by following Jesus’s example of sacrifice both in His life and ultimately in His death.

As a church we use this season in the church calendar to focus on the Jonathan Fund. This is our church’s fund set aside to encourage those who are suffering. Consider giving to this fund or finding other ways to encourage those who are suffering that they may persevere through trial.

Give Online at
Calvary Church accepts online donations through checking or savings accounts, as well as debit and credit cards.
Give by text to 616-294-0700
The first time you text to give, you will be prompted to visit a secure URL. Once you click the registration link, you will enter your credit or debit card information. At this point your donation will process and you will receive a confirmation text.
Give in person or by mail
If you would like to designate your offering to the Jonathan Fund, giving envelopes are available in the racks between the seats in the Sanctuary. You can also mail your gift to: PO Box 1600, Grand Rapids MI 49501.

In the early centuries of the church, the forty days before Easter came to be recognized as the season of Lent (a Latin word that means “spring”), when new converts were prepared for baptism. This preparation included biblical instruction, prayer, repentance and fasting. In time, the practices of Lent were embraced by the entire church. We continue to mark this season by celebrating baptism during our Easter services. If you are ready to make a public proclamation of your faith in Jesus, to publicly turn your back on sin and take on the new life of Jesus, consider being baptized.

Contact Christie to sign up, or receive more information about baptism at Calvary Church.