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National Polls Show Historic Declines in Support for Death Penalty

The FBI has no desire to publicize the number of people killed by cops. After all this is the same government entity that has shot 150 people, and cleared themselves in every single case. Even in the case that resulted in the US taxpayers having to fork over $1.3 million to the victim of an FBI shooting, it was deemed justified. If the government wanted to disclose accurate numbers, they could. It isn’t difficult. Apparently, literacy is not a requirement to work for the FBI because they certainly aren’t reading the papers.

The FBI has no desire to publicize the number of people killed by cops. After all this is the same government entity that has shot 150 people, and cleared themselves in every single case. Even in the case that resulted in the US taxpayers having to fork over $1.3 million to the victim of an FBI shooting, it was deemed justified. If the government wanted to disclose accurate numbers, they could. It isn’t difficult. Apparently, literacy is not a requirement to work for the FBI because they certainly aren’t reading the papers.