If the cross accomplished our right standing with God, why did he rise?

1st Peter 1:21: “Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”

“This Peter, who had crumbled under the weight of shame and denied his Lord, learned how the hope of glory could transform our lives and embolden our witness. This hope empowers us to purify ourselves in personal holiness, to live with honorable conduct during our exile. This assurance in God—that he will exalt us with Christ and grace us with his honor—enables us to honor others, even those who oppose us.” —Elliot Clark

Jesus was raised so that we would trust and hope in God, our heavenly Father.

About Called Out

Hosted by Tyler Braun. You can find Tyler on Twitter @tylerbraun, Instagram @tylerbraun, and Facebook.

Called Out is a podcast helping the church live into its set apart reality so that they can share the hope of Christ with others.

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