What if we released the insecurity surrounding our identity, and fully embraced being known by God? In today’s episode, author Aubrey Sampson shares her own journey to learning her name and identity in God, and helps us live out putting aside false names in our own lives.   In this episode, we talk about: How being known brings light to even the darkest seasons of life Adjusting our perspective of God biblically Our generation's misplaced pursuit of wanting to be known Practices to do again and again that help us avoid falling into old lies and false thinking How God speaks new names over us through the Holy Spirit, (Aubrey’s specific example that will give you goosebumps!) Words of wisdom for a season where you feel purposeless or stalled - and the real trouble with that season A often overlooked prompting of the Holy Spirit that can can make a profound impact on someone’s life A physical, active way to surrender false names and lies back to God ——   Find Aubrey at aubreysampson.com, and sign up for her newsletter for updates.   Check out her daily radio show, The Common Good, and her weekly podcast, Nothing is Wasted.   Get a copy of Known or Aubrey’s other books on Amazon and major retailers.   ——   Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook @whatyoumakeitblog.   Get free Bible study resources at whatyoumakeitblog.com.

What if we released the insecurity surrounding our identity, and fully embraced being known by God? In today’s episode, author Aubrey Sampson shares her own journey to learning her name and identity in God, and helps us live out putting aside false names in our own lives.   In this episode, we talk about: How being known brings light to even the darkest seasons of life Adjusting our perspective of God biblically Our generation's misplaced pursuit of wanting to be known Practices to do again and again that help us avoid falling into old lies and false thinking How God speaks new names over us through the Holy Spirit, (Aubrey’s specific example that will give you goosebumps!) Words of wisdom for a season where you feel purposeless or stalled - and the real trouble with that season A often overlooked prompting of the Holy Spirit that can can make a profound impact on someone’s life A physical, active way to surrender false names and lies back to God ——   Find Aubrey at aubreysampson.com, and sign up for her newsletter for updates.   Check out her daily radio show, The Common Good, and her weekly podcast, Nothing is Wasted.   Get a copy of Known or Aubrey’s other books on Amazon and major retailers.   ——   Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook @whatyoumakeitblog.   Get free Bible study resources at whatyoumakeitblog.com.