Welcome to the preview of Call Me By Your Game Co-op Episode 2 featuring Super Mega Baseball 3. Co-op episodes are monthly Super NPC Radio Patreon exclusives a part of […]

Welcome to the preview of Call Me By Your Game Co-op Episode 2 featuring Super Mega Baseball 3. Co-op episodes are monthly Super NPC Radio Patreon exclusives a part of the $10 tier. We’ll be bringing you a preview of each one here to get a taste of the sort of deep dive discussion and overall great hangs that happen. The full Co-op episodes are available on the Patreon.

This is also Part II of the Baseball Spotlight series from Call Me By Your Game. Part III will feature MVP Baseball 2005 and Part IV will wrap up the series for us and discuss a true masterpiece: Backyard Baseball.

There is no finer form of the sport of baseball than that featured in Super Mega Baseball 3. You’ve got your homers, you’ve got your diving catches, and of course you’ve got the Sirloins celebrating another win. Super Mega Baseball 3 is a game worth celebrating for countless reasons and on this episode your panel tries their best to do so. Host Conner McCabe is joined by former MLB Fan Cave Contestant and current Ohio track star Ben Wietmarschen as well as prospective umpire and Detroit jack of all trades Greg Smith. We revel at the deep customization options and goofy personality, gush over the gradual acclimation available to the player, and how this game scratches a baseball video game itch that hasn’t been scratched in years.

Super NPC Radio – Patreon
Website: callmebyyourgame.com
The Show – @callmebyyourgamepod (Instagram)
Ben Wietmarschen – @benwietmarschen (Twitter)
Greg Smith – @smithlgreg (Twitter/Instagram) smithlgreg.com
Conner McCabe – @conner_mccabe (Gram/Twit), twitch.tv/conziscool69
Produced by Jeremy Schmidt – Video Games: a Comedy Show
