Writer, reader, Rebel Alliance leader, and IGN Video Producer Nick Limon came on the show to discuss potentially the greatest JRPG of all time in Chrono Trigger (1995) originally for […]

Writer, reader, Rebel Alliance leader, and IGN Video Producer Nick Limon came on the show to discuss potentially the greatest JRPG of all time in Chrono Trigger (1995) originally for the SNES.

On this episode Nick talks about re-discovering the game years after his first contact with it, lugging his PlayStation to and from his grandparent’s house everyday to play the game, and how it bridged a social gap for Nick on his first visit to Japan.

Website: callmebyyourgame.com
The Show – @callmebyyourgamepod (Instagram)
Nick Limon – @adventnick (Instagram/Twitter)
Conner McCabe – @conner_mccabe (Instagram/Twitter)
Jeremy Schmidt – @ocarinaofcrime (Insta) @scaremyschmidt (Twit)
